03 November 2009

If it gets you through

I tend to surround myself with people who make light of horrible situations. We make fun of tragedies and can do that because we make fun of our own and if you haven't tried it, well, I assure you it works.

After I and my children had been hit broadside and nearly killed by a semi truck I really couldn't see myself ever laughing again and there was always somber people stopping by reminding me how bad things were and then one day alot of us were in the kitchen (with wheelchairs everywhere) and MK turned and said "How the hell could you not see a semi coming at you, I mean, it wasn't a motorcycle!" and right then it was funny I mean so funny except to the stick in the muds that had no funny bones in them. So from then on thats the way it has been with everything. It gets us through.

My best friend thought she had breast cancer a few years ago and was waiting for her results and crying when I finally said "Look will this mean that I have to get a bracelet and wear pink shirts every damn day beacause this is annoying me already". We laughed and thank God she didn't have it but did tell me if she did have it she was planning on sending me a shirt the next day. It got us through.

The past few months have been really hard emotionally on me and then finding the softball size abcess that was pushing on my kidney and making swallowing food feel like shards of glass had me standing on the ledge. Every day the BFF calls or texts with encouragement but the tears wouldn't stop and then I get a text fron her last night that I assumed was going to ask me how I was...no...it said...."Do you need a kidney? Are you just afraid to ask me? It is not a very good one. Kinda used but you can have it. Get back to me on that." and I laughed because I wasn't expecting the warped sense of humor at that moment. God I love these people. Thats how we get through.

I have been informed by many that my daughter has the same sense of humor, infact much worse. Has she been corrupted? Nope.....I will always know that she can get through anything.
PS.. I have known the BFF since I was born and have seen how that kidney has been treated...she can keep it.

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