07 February 2010

The thing about Fate...

...It's kinda hard to figure out and I've been thinking about it alot lately. Is something you did wrong at one time (or alot of times) determine your fate or can you change it?

Does anyone really go through life unscathed? After everything Tiger did for Golf has he locked in his fate because of his personal life? Or if someone mismanages money wrong when they are young are they destined to be poor? Does someone who has Chronic pain and spends all of their time trying to convince people that they really are in pain ever get any enjoyment out of life because they are exhausted worrying about how other people feel about them?

There are people who commit suicide because they are ashamed. And there's the people who blame everyone else and become bitter because they are ashamed and then there are the uplifting stories about people who have risen from the ashes and became better than they ever could have expected. What is it that makes one person decide that there is no hope for tomorrow and the person who can't quit tomorrow because they know what they have left in them? Have we not all been at the bottom?

I know I will never give up trying to grab the golden ring and believe me there are days I'd like to shove the ring up someone's .... because my body hurts to bad to move.

So Tiger and all of the other people who think that one thing or one period of times decides your fate. It doesn't. I write on this blog not knowing how much pain it will cause me tomorrow. I refuse to let my past determine my fate. I may not have changed golf and I may never be the CEO of a fortune 500 company but the great thing about tomorrow is....I will do the best I can and hope nothing but good things for all the people who are also trying!
Ps.. Nothing personal Tiger, your just holding the headlines now :) Oh, and John Edwards...Well, I just am trying so hard to think of something nice to say about you and, well.. Maybe tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. "there are the uplifting stories about people who have risen from the ashes and became better than they ever could have expected"
    Very inspiring.
