27 September 2009

50/50 Just Never Stops

The last week or so I have not felt well. I thought the surgery was so easy buy it looks like it kicked my butt big time. Anyway so I was pretty immuned to everything. Nothing was really getting me mad or getting me emotional. Life were just kind of going on around me while I just wanted some life breathed back into me... until Friday night.

Mk takes me out for dinner that evening to get me out of the house and among the living. We drove over an hour to our favorite Italian place so I wasn't even feeling on top of my game when we got there. Oh and for the first time since surgery I had on real pants with a button and a zipper (which by the way is overated I have decided). So on the way home the pants were bothering my incisions so I unbuttoned and unzipped...I can't believe I am about to tell you what happened next.

We stopped at a WaWa for something, the place was packed...here it comes. I got out of the car and stepped onto the sidewalk and MY PANTS FELL TO THE GROUND. Yes you heard me I was standing there in front of all these people on a Friday night with my pants around my ankles wearing a shirt and black underwear thank you. The worst part is that I froze for a minute so there was nothing quick about covering up. I knew at that point 50/50 will always be with me so what the hell, I held my head up and did the walk of shame inside the store. I give up trying. I quit. Mk as usual shaking his head and know a couple times a day he drops his pants at home just to be funny. yeah funny Mk, my life sucks.

Kate Gosslin was there in the afternoon and the papparazi was in tow so I guess...it maybe could have been worse had People magazine snapped a few shots of me.

So how was YOUR weekend?

17 September 2009

I want to sleep with Charlotte...

So I get the news from Doctor Holly yesterday that I can venture out in public alittle more, you know the whole "take it easy thing". Problem is...clothing.

I have been in my somewhat insane head lately coming up with what my perfect wardrobe would look like. Now all I need is a robe company that will listen (and never steal this idea because I will send my little nephews Ty, Chase and Brock after you and, well, you don't want that). So after some thought...

My favorite robe is that light, comfy, alittle fuzzy, feels like I am being hugged by what I can only imagine is heaven. The tag on it says "Charlotte". The thing is with the pain I live with I can't wear anything that feels heavy or I hurt. I can't wear a bra or I hurt for days. Point being "Charlotte" makes me happy so why do I have to torture myself to look good when I pass by YOU on the street? You aren't going to make me tea later or sleep with me or buy me diamonds. Although if you do I would like a Chocolate diamond, please. I am dying for one of those.

So "Charlotte Co." I need the following...Pants and a tunic top in pink. The top longer with pockets at the bottom and skinny pants cuz I hear I have great legs. Oh and make the top V-neck for my boobs, they look better in V-necks.
A grey hoodie with sweats for going to the store or to visit the nephews (I am watching you).
And for going out with Mk I need a black dress in this material (I am getting excited just writing this).

I promise you, the public, that I will look presentable. I will put on cute shoes. I will put on jewelry. I will even put on slutty, hooker boots to wear with the dress. I will be fun and outgoing. Less bitchy (heres hoping)and I will be a willing part of society.

Then, I will come home from my night out with Mk, take off the hooker boots and the jewlrey and be able to just GET INTO BED because I am already wearing jammie clothes. OMG I have helped to fix the Chronic Pain world just alittle. "Charlotte" this is a win win. Call me so we can start sketching and then when you are rich because of me you can buy me a Chocolate diamond.


11 September 2009

My September 11 pledge... to write notes

In May 2001 Mk and I celebrated our anniversary in NYC. Mk was surprising me and taking me to brunch at the top of the World Trade Center. I was dining at Windows On The World. I remember stepping off the elevator thinking how incredible the view was and that was just the beginning.

My family knew Mk was taking me there so my mom had called ahead and ordered a special bottle of Champagne for us (I know she's a treat, right?). The team at WOTW then had taken it upon themselves to give us a special table at one of the single windows by ourselves. I remember that the building swayed as we sat there and they explained it was built that way to withstand the weather.

The brunch buffet was beyond delightful and they gave me the cork to our bottle to remember them by. Of all the places I have eaten and God knows I love to eat and search out great Mango Margaritas :) I can remember their faces and how special it was to be there. Not just because of the building but the incredible people and their kindness by making it so special for me.

I meant to write a note to them and let them know what a special group of people they were. But I didn't. I told everyone about them but I never personally let them know that they made my day. The towers fell and I am sure it was those people who perished that morning a few months later since that would have been their shift.

So on this day my pledge is from now on to let people know with a note that they have touched my heart and given me a day to remember.I just wish I would have done it sooner.

09 September 2009

Rules are not my forte

I have a problem with rules. Always have. Not the top ten ones of course, I wouldn't kill anyone, I don't do drugs, never been to jail (close...)love my kids etc. It's the stupid ones, the run with scissors kind of rules. Just because someone writes something down doesn't mean we are going to hell if we don't comply.

I smoke. I like to smoke. I don't blow smoke in childrens faces, I have never smoked in a bleacher seat at an outside game even when it was allowed and I can tell you my health baggage is from being hit by a jackass of a truck driver carrying 110,000 lbs. of scrap steel. Oh, and I believe that MK pushing my broken body outside of the hospital to have a smoke may have saved my life...work with me here. Big picture, smoking wasn't trying to kill me, the truck was.

So, day two after hysterectomy I am being good and receiving the best care I ever have and I thanked them for that. I asked the nurse if she would push me outside to have a cig. You would have thought I was holding the button to blow up the world and I am pretty sure alarms started going off. To make it short she said no. Hmmm, ok, I stayed calm and said when MK got there I would have him push me outside. Then came the rath of strangers who "know whats good for me".

Mk gets there and Nurse Ratchett says I am not allowed to go outside. What?? did she just say I am NOT ALLOWED??? Hospital, Prison, same thing. Then she says she will not get us a wheel chair so I start shuffling my robe and slippers towards the elevator when Ratchett with a crazed look in her eyes runs down the hall and says..." If you leave this floor you can't come back" Crap. Now I have to make a decision, a judgement call while I am on pain killers. Right then it wasn't about smoking anymore it was about rules and about if it was my last day on earth they would let me go out but since it wasn't, I was grounded.

So I left. They said since I was leaving without permission I couldn't have a prescription, or a wheel chair. I had to walk to the car. Fine so I walked. With Mk shaking his head and me knowing I was going to have to tell my mother what I did which is never fun.

I hope that part of me never changes. It's who I am. An American. I am thankful that I don't have to be flogged for wearing pants in public and I am thankful that I can leave the house without a mans permission and... I plan on keeping it that way. Taking my 50/50 chances.


07 September 2009

Pink Robes and Bear Paws

First off I will tell you that my Hysterectomy is a walk in the park compared to the pain I live with every day. It went great and I am feeling well.

Mk and I were leaving the house alittle after 6am so I decided on just wearing my new pink robe (with polka dots) and flip flops. Am I the first person to come up with this? We walked into the waiting room and everyone was dressed and kept staring at me. What would be the point of getting dressed when someone is about to slice you open plus you can't wear make-up so why would I have jeans on??? Then the nurses that were prepping me for surgery really laughed out loud that I had worn my robe to the hospital. So I am the trendsetter. I did it. Wear your robe to the hospital and hold your head up high.

Then Miss Cheery nurse tells me I have been picked for a one day trial to wear this new kind of gown into surgery called Bear Paw robe. You know how the operating room is freaking freezing cold??? Well this thing has a layer of bubble tubes that run through it then they hook up this tube to the robe that blows....wait for it...WARM AIR all through it! It was absolute heaven and it keeps your body temperature from falling during surgery. From a patients point of view I truly believe it helped me and I felt fabulous in the recovery room. Have you ever heard the word fabulous in the same sentence with recovery room? I thought not. So go Bear Paw robes and feel free to put me on a commercial.

So here I am a week later having strolled slowly around the block today and showered like a real person but I am tired and need to wrap this up. Although I wish I had some energy left because I didn't get to tell you about day two. Suffice to say that instead of being "released" I got....kicked out of the hospital.... I'll tell you about it tomorrow. In the meantime just picture MK shaking his head at me which seems to happen alot in our relationship.