09 September 2009

Rules are not my forte

I have a problem with rules. Always have. Not the top ten ones of course, I wouldn't kill anyone, I don't do drugs, never been to jail (close...)love my kids etc. It's the stupid ones, the run with scissors kind of rules. Just because someone writes something down doesn't mean we are going to hell if we don't comply.

I smoke. I like to smoke. I don't blow smoke in childrens faces, I have never smoked in a bleacher seat at an outside game even when it was allowed and I can tell you my health baggage is from being hit by a jackass of a truck driver carrying 110,000 lbs. of scrap steel. Oh, and I believe that MK pushing my broken body outside of the hospital to have a smoke may have saved my life...work with me here. Big picture, smoking wasn't trying to kill me, the truck was.

So, day two after hysterectomy I am being good and receiving the best care I ever have and I thanked them for that. I asked the nurse if she would push me outside to have a cig. You would have thought I was holding the button to blow up the world and I am pretty sure alarms started going off. To make it short she said no. Hmmm, ok, I stayed calm and said when MK got there I would have him push me outside. Then came the rath of strangers who "know whats good for me".

Mk gets there and Nurse Ratchett says I am not allowed to go outside. What?? did she just say I am NOT ALLOWED??? Hospital, Prison, same thing. Then she says she will not get us a wheel chair so I start shuffling my robe and slippers towards the elevator when Ratchett with a crazed look in her eyes runs down the hall and says..." If you leave this floor you can't come back" Crap. Now I have to make a decision, a judgement call while I am on pain killers. Right then it wasn't about smoking anymore it was about rules and about if it was my last day on earth they would let me go out but since it wasn't, I was grounded.

So I left. They said since I was leaving without permission I couldn't have a prescription, or a wheel chair. I had to walk to the car. Fine so I walked. With Mk shaking his head and me knowing I was going to have to tell my mother what I did which is never fun.

I hope that part of me never changes. It's who I am. An American. I am thankful that I don't have to be flogged for wearing pants in public and I am thankful that I can leave the house without a mans permission and... I plan on keeping it that way. Taking my 50/50 chances.


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